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Mandarin Language Studies Program

Mandarin Language Studies 國語中文課程

REGISTRATION DATES for Winter/Spring Term 2025:

  • Current Students: (Tuesday) November 19, 2024 from (1 PM)
  • New Students: (Tuesday) November 26, 2024 from (1 PM)



If your child would like to enroll in a class but is unable to due to age restrictions, please call us at 604.668.6532 for assistance.  Please do not enroll in any unrelated classes. A fee will be charged for any changes/withdrawals/cancellations.

如果您的孩子需要報讀課程,但因年齡限制而無法報班,請致電 604.668.6532 向我們尋求協助。


Attachment 1: How to Register NEW_MLS & YC Program.pdf

    1. Please visit for course details before the registration. (A handling fee of $20 will be charged for any transfer).

    2. Each student has his/her own account including individual email address. It is better to manage your child’s communication with the school and registration.

    3. Please use Gmail, Hotmail or Outlook to open an account, the system cannot recognize qq, 163 or 126.

    4.  Please use the student’s actual date of birth when registering for classes. Failure to do so will result in the school requesting a course withdrawal with no refund of tuition fees.

    5. After completing the online registration, please login your child’s account to find the course dates, location, and classroom number, plus withdrawal policy under transaction payment history.


  • 報名/註冊課程前,請仔細閱讀各課程簡介、上課時間、日期及地點等信息,避免報錯課程。(如需轉班,需付$20手續費)請登錄
  • 每個學生都需要有自己的帳戶,包括單獨的電子郵件地址。這樣可以更好地管理您孩子與學校的通信,以及溝通註冊事宜。
  • 請使用GmailHotmailOutlook開戶,系統無法識別 qq163126
  • 請使用學生真是的出生日期報讀課程,否則校方會要求退學並不予退費。
  • 學生網上註冊課程後,請再登錄學生的帳戶,查看收據,了解上課的時間,地點及教室編號及假期等等。

B. *Questions & Answers for enrolling MLS Program (常見問題)

Attachment 2: Q & A for Mandarin Language Studies Program.pdf

 註冊前,請仔細閱讀本頁訊息:包括  退學、退費、轉班、請假等事宜。


免費國語課程說明會 #40094 (Wed, January 8th, 2025-Online Mode)

查詢: 604.668.6532 或電郵至 網上報名: 又或參加以下說明會

Preregistration is required by calling 604.668.6532 or visit or email to enrol the info session.   CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION


D. HOW TO REGISTER Mandarin Language Studies or Youth/Children Program:

ATTACHMENT : How to Register NEW_MLS & YC Program.pdf


**Please be considered to choose your choice of time and course level to register. Otherwise, all withdrawal will be charged the administration fee. (Need to make change or transfer to the other course schedules, please inform our staff members at 604.668.6532, do not re-register the same class and other schedules, otherwise, it will be charged the administration fee. 


E. *2025 Winter/Spring Term REGISTRATION NOTICE / 2025 冬春季報名有關資料:


F. COURSE OFFERED 開設國語中文課程:(2025 Winter/Spring Term)

We offer a variety of Mandarin courses for English and non-English speakers.  Courses include Introduction to Level 12 and Advanced Level, with emphasis on Reading and Writing, Conversation Courses for all ages (Adult/Youth/Children), AP Exam Preparation and Chinese Hybrid Class (Cantonese Read/Write & Mandarin Speaking).

NOTE:  Currently, we are offering courses that are taught in-person, online and hybrid instruction for all Mandarin Language Studies courses.

國語中文課程: 本部為 4歲起學生提供各級國語中文課程

1. Mandarin Read/Write, Simplified Characters or Traditional Characters 中文讀寫班 (繁體字或简体字中文班)

2. Mandarin Conversation Classes (Children/Youth /Adult) 國語會話班 (兒童、青少年、成人)

3. Chinese Hybrid Class (Cantonese Read/Write & Mandarin Speaking-Traditional Characters) 粵語中文班

4. Chinese Read/Write for Youth, Age 10 & up 青少年讀寫中文班 (適合 10歲或以上,只懂說,聽中文,而不會閱讀及書寫的學生而設)

5. Chinese Writing Class 中文寫作班

6. Chinese Instructor Training Diploma Program 中文教師培訓課程

7. AP Chinese Preparation Course or other Public Exam Prep.  準備中文公開考試及AP考試輔導課程。


G.  Withdrawal/Cancellation/Transfer/Absence Policy 

Attachment 6_Withdrawal/Cancellation/Refund Policy.pdf   

(Please read details before registering  請細心閱讀才報名, 有關退學,退費,轉班及缺課等事宜)

# 註冊後,請再登陸學生的帳戶,然後點繫 Transaction or Payment History, you will find out the course schedules, course time, Location & Classroom number. 將可找到上課時間,上課地點及課室編號等資料。

  1. All refund/withdrawal requests must be made in writing before the second-class date and within 3 days of the course start date. Withdrawals are subject to a 15% processing fee of the course fee. (Email:   
  2. No refund after the Second session. (Refund or transfer request will NOT be accepted on site before or during second class session.)
  3. No tuition deduction/reimbursement or refund for any absence or misbehaviour or late registration.
  4. Students who request a withdrawal request, will be charged of any received the booklets: $20 for Read/Write class, $40 for Conversational class.
  • 所有退費/退學的申請最晚於開課第一節課後,3天內提出,否則不能辦理,同時將扣除學費的百分之十五。
  • 不接受當天在校或第二節課上的退學/退費申請。中途插班報名者,報名後不接受申請退費。
  • 學生因事或因病而請假者,又或在校行為而擾亂班上上課進程者或遲報名者,學費沒有扣減或退費等安排。 
  • 申請退課的同時,如果您之前已經領取課本,讀寫班需要付$20元課本費,會話班需要付 $40元課本費 。


Wednesday to Saturday (Online or In-Person Mode). Details, please refer to the website

  • Wednesday Mandarin: ONLINE: February 5th, 2025, Starts
  • Thursday Mandarin: February 6th, 2025, Starts
  • Friday Mandarin: January 31st, 2025 Starts
  • Saturday Mandarin: January 25th, Starts


I. Leave of Absence (Missed classes/Exams/Tests): 缺課(請假)須知:

1. If you are unable to attend class for any reason, please notify the instructor as far in advance as possible or email or the instructor. 

2. Absences cannot be scheduled for make-up tests or classes, nor can they be changed to another mode of instruction.

3. If your student is on vacation/absence for any reasons and parents requests materials for a previously unscheduled class, students will receive the materials / homework upon their return to class.

4. During a student's absence, the school is unable to provide delivery of e-learning materials.


  • 如果您因故無法上課,請儘可能提前通知老師,並副本電郵至
  • 缺席者不能安排補考或補課,也不能改成其他教學模式或上課時間 。
  • 家長若要索取所缺課的教材,學生可以於放假後,回校上課時教師再補發給他們。
  • 面授課,若學生缺席期間,學校無法提供電子學習材料的傳遞。


If a student registers after the start of the school term,  our staff will need to make extra efforts to process the registration. Therefore, there may be a $20 surcharge for late registrations. 學生在開學後才註冊,將有可能需要繳付$20 逾期註冊者的附加費 。因工作人員需要額外時間去處理該遲註冊者的工作。請垂注。


***REMINDER: 溫馨提示:

  1. As of now, we will begin accepting registrations for the upcoming 2025 WS semester, and students' course codes will be listed in the registration form (Current Students)
  2. Please visit for course details before the registration
  3. For course receipts, please log in to your child's account and you will be able to print out and read all the information such as start and end times, locations, and classroom numbers.
  4. When registering for a course, please read the online course description, class times, dates and locations before registering the classes. To avoid enrolling in the wrong course and having to transfer to another class, (A handling fee of $20 will be charged for any transfers).  
  5. Students can choose either the In-Person or Online mode of enrollment.
  6. Each student should have his/her own account including individual email address. It is better to manage school communication and registration for each child. 
  7. Please use the child's actual date of birth when registering the classes. Failure to do so will result in the school requesting a course withdrawal with no refund of tuition fees

        If you need assistance for Online Registration, please email or call 604.668.6532